Announcing the G. K. Chesterton Society of Southern Minnesota


The journalist G. K. Chesterton 
(taken from wikimedia)

I am pleased to announce the establishment of the G. K. Chesterton Society of Southern Minnesota, a local chapter of the "Apostolate of Common Sense" and affiliated with Chesterton societies worldwide. 

Our monthly meetings are open to all who love the Truth and, of course, like to read the great English journalist Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 - 1936). For more information on Chesterton as well as the organization devoted to his life and work, visit the website of The Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton. 

Monthly meetings are held at the parish library of Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1200 N North Ave in Fairmont, Minnesota. We invite you to bring snacks to share. A typical meeting will last about an hour and involve discussion of the selected reading(s) as well as time for fellowship. While we will most frequently engage with Chesterton's writings, we will also visit the works of theologians, philosophers, novelists, poets, and other thinkers who either influenced Chesterton or were influenced by him. Some of these writers might include John Ruskin, John Henry Newman, George MacDonald, C. S. Lewis, and J. R. R. Tolkien. 

The first meeting will be in August of 2021 and the first book will be Orthodoxy (1908), available in a variety of formats and editions

Our organizer is the Reverend Adam E. Carnehl, associate pastor of Immanuel and former member of the Chicago and St Louis Chesterton Societies. Pastor Carnehl wrote his graduate thesis at the University of Glasgow on Chesterton's art criticism and has been a Chesterton enthusiast since he first was led to him in high school. 

Please stay tuned for more information. 

G. K. Chesterton reclining in his garden while working
(taken from wikimedia)
